Blob Busting
What?!? Bear with me ...
It's all too easy to get yourself a blob. You might have one right now! It usually starts without you realising - there's something you need to do, something else you ought to do, something that's getting in the way of other things - an email to send, a tricky call to make, a cupboard to sort. Gradually all these 'shoulds' and 'oughts' start swirling together in your mind, sticking together to form one overwhelming mass of dread and inertia that threatens to swallow you whole. Voila! You have a blob. Blobs are horrible, suffocating things that guzzle up everything in their path, getting bigger and greedier all the while. Before you know it, everything's been sucked in and escaping from it seems impossible. Once you have a blob, it's difficult to make out the individual things in it. Everything's swirling in that horrible goo and looks as disgusting as everything else in it. So ... if you have a blob, take a good hard look at it. Poke it around. There may be some big issues in there, there may be things that can't be pulled out right now, but you don't have to tackle the biggest chunks yet. Are there any 'quick wins' you can pluck out? That email you've been putting off - how long would it take to send? And that cupboard - could you sort it before lunch? How much better will you feel for getting a few things out of that icky mass? Start pulling what you can out and that blob will start to reduce, which might motivate you to pull out more. Not only that but the stuff still in it will be better defined, so you'll feel less overwhelmed, and more in control. What bits of your blob can you bust today? Go on - have a look! Check out more Wellbeing Tips for hints on how to feel better now. Check out Snippets and FAQs for more information on Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. Contact me for help and support. |