Take a bow!
How’s your week been? A model of self actualisation and efficiency? Good for you. For the rest of us humans, things can be a little trickier. And when things are tricky, it’s easy to start beating ourselves up about how we should, could, would … to start comparing ourselves to those around us who appear to face life’s challenges with so much more ease than we do. Those people who never seem anxious, or lacking in confidence, or beset by all the life mess that we’re constantly mopping up.
Well, for a start, don’t be so sure … many people will be facing the same challenges as you, despite their confident demeanour. Perhaps they see your brave face and wish they could be as self-assured as they consider you! We can never really guess. If things do just seem a slog, however, take a moment to congratulate yourself. Right now. Congratulate yourself for keeping going. Congratulate yourself for confronting your challenges when you can. Congratulate yourself for being awesome. Your path may be steeper and more winding than others’ … others who have a supportive family cheering them on, who have financial stability, who are physically able, neurotypical and not from a marginalised community, who don't have someone in their life who belittles or gaslights their dreams … the list is endless. Those few can stride on at their own pace and don’t need your courage, your hard-earned wisdom. Cherish that wisdom, that resilience. Would you truly want to lose it? The steps you take may be smaller … tiny … almost imperceptible compared to the insecure nonsense pushed on social media, but they’re testament to your character. If you can use your hard-won strength and wisdom to keep going, even on the days when just getting out of bed or leaving the house seems too much, you're amazing. Take a bow. Check out more Wellbeing Tips for hints on how to feel better now. Check out Snippets and FAQs for more information on Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. Contact me for help and support. |